The Circle

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This is a movement – for your soul. A call back – into the woods, into the deep magick of the wild & the sacred hold of Mother Earth. A call home, little wildling.
Know Thyself
To know oneself is to know a fragment of the world. To see eternity in a grain of sand. An ocean in a drop. Stay wild. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
The Corvus Circle
Follow your wild back to the woods, little wildling. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Wander Often, Wonder Always
Explore your wild, let your magick call you back into Mother Earth's embrace. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Samhain: A Time of Ritual and Honouring
Samhain comes to thin the veil, to allow us to feel those who have gone before come closer for a time. We can also honour the earth, and the bones and blood She holds, from times long gone to dust. The connection between the Witch and the Earth is as old as that time, older than the stories. Honour that shadowed and hallowed and holy place within you. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Samhain: A Time of Ritual and Honouring
Samhain comes to thin the veil, to allow us to feel those who have gone before come closer for a time. We can also honour the earth, and the bones and blood She holds, from times long gone to dust. The connection between the Witch and the Earth is as old as that time, older than the stories. Honour that shadowed and hallowed and holy place within you. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Samhain: A Time of Ritual and Honouring
Samhain comes to thin the veil, to allow us to feel those who have gone before come closer for a time. We can also honour the earth, and the bones and blood She holds, from times long gone to dust. The connection between the Witch and the Earth is as old as that time, older than the stories. Honour that shadowed and hallowed and holy place within you. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
There is a Goddess in You
Reconnect to the wisdom in your bones and blood. Reawaken the priestess inside you, the goddess, the witch, the queen. Venture back to the embrace of nature and water and the stars. Know you are made of so much MORE than what you've been told. You carry magick in your breath. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
The Corvus Circle
This is a movement – for your soul. A call back – into the woods, into the deep magick of the wild & the sacred hold of Mother Earth. A call home, little wildling. Follow your curiosity, follow that call within. It's there for a reason. You can hear it for a reason. You feel it in your bones for a reason. Let yourself go. Follow it. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
The Corvus Circle
This is a movement – for your soul. A call back – into the woods, into the deep magick of the wild & the sacred hold of Mother Earth. A call home, little wildling. . The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Wander Often, Wonder Always
Wander in the direction of magick, little wildling, wherever it calls to you. The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Whispers of Witchcraft
Child of the earth... do you not know you are magick? The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign & Wild
Let Go
There are pieces of you that are meant to be let go, to float down to their final resting place, to finally find peace in the deep, deep quiet. The waters before you are unknown, rippling out into the cloaking mists. What awaits you beyond the shores of knowledge? Be brave, little wildling. Magick calls.
Curiosity is often a wonderful companion, always ready for adventure, with wise lessons to learn along the way. Allow yourself to be curious about what *more* there may be to this world (and to you).