Wooden Structures

Outdoor Living Tips, Images, and Videos
Stretch your deck or patio dining space by adding these built-in DIY tables directly to your deck posts to supplement outdoor furniture. You can adapt the height to eat standing or seated on an outdoor stool or chair.
Wheelbarrow Storage
I wanted to raise my wheelbarrow up to make it easier to mow around. Here is a quick way to store a wheelbarrow next to a fence.
DIY How To Build A Lean To Shed
We think everyone needs a beautiful bar in their backyard. Great use of corrugated metal panels! #shedplans
Home - The Owner-Builder Network
Do you have a favorite park where you love to spend a warm afternoon sitting under the shade of a tree? Wouldn’t it be nice to create that atmosphere in your own yard? A tree bench will make it a reality! Check out the full gallery for more inspiration: http://theownerbuildernetwork.co/kbik