Felt Board Stories

Flannel Friday: 5 Clean and Dirty Pigs
5 Clean and Dirty Pigs Tune: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs) Five pigs so squeaky clean Cleanest you’ve ever seen Wanted to go outside and play Oink! Oink! One jumped into the mud Landed with a big THUD Then there were four clean squeaky pigs.
Little Mouse In The House Flannelboard Game
Little Mouse little mouse are you hiding in the (color) house. A cute guessing game - kids name the color - makes a nice lift the flap book too. Tie in with the Mouse Paint story, e.g. Little Mouse did you paint a (color) house? Repinned by www.preschoolspeechie
Very Hungry Caterpillar Felt Board
Very Hungry Caterpillar Felt Board Tutorial on Imagine Our Life at http://www.imagineourlife.com/2012/06/03/hungry-caterpillar-felt-board/
SALE 1 Left Old Macdonald Felt Animals Set Felt Story - Etsy
Old MacDonald felt animals set Felt Story by Lolerfly on Etsy, $25.00
Flannel Friday: Stone Soup
Stone Soup flannel board idea for story retelling
Must be at least 25 flannel boards/story/songs to view on this site
I chose this pin because children can learn about colors.
Pete the Cat Felt Board Story
Felt Board Ideas: Pete the Cat Felt Board Story: Printable Template
Five Green & Speckled Frogs Felt Story / Flannel Board Set - Etsy
Bonus + Five Green & Speckled Frogs Felt Story Set
Mixed Up Chameleon color day
Mixed Up Chameleon - plus story stick idea and felt activity
DIY Felt Board for Story Retelling - Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten
Help young students ddevelop story sense and retelling skills with this super simple DIY Felt Board for Story Retelling
DIY Felt Board for Story Retelling - Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten
Help young students ddevelop story sense and retelling skills with this super simple DIY Felt Board for Story Retelling
Flannel Friday: Green Eggs (No Ham)
GREEN EGGS AND HAM: make different colored eggs and pass them out to students. start with "i do like green eggs and ham, i do like them sam-i-am!" then have each student bring theirs up and say the chant with the color egg they got (ex: "i do like blue eggs and ham, i do like them sam-i-am!")