Self care resolutions
Ways to boost your wellbeing

Self care resolutions

There are so many wonderful ways to help you feel more mindful. Explore the ideas below and take only those that feel right for you—when they feel right. Happy self-care-ing!

Create a feel-good morning routine

This contains an image of: Slow morning routine 🍓💌🧚🏼‍♀️💫🍨
Slow morning routine 🍓💌🧚🏼‍♀️💫🍨
Kirra Dickinson
Kirra Dickinson
This contains an image of: Mindful Morning Routine [That Girl Edition] #selfcare
Mindful Morning Routine [That Girl Edition] #selfcare
Anne-Marie Akin | Mindful Living & Lifestyle
Anne-Marie Akin | Mindful Living & Lifestyle
This contains an image of: Morning Routine
Paid partnership with Pinterest Canada
Morning Routine
Maya Ganhao Fitness
Maya Ganhao Fitness

Make 'me' time

Rest isn’t always doing nothing. There’s emotional, spiritual, physical rest amongst others #restisproductive #restisesssntial
There’s different types of rest… Rest isn’t always just doing nothing ✨
Jodie Melissa
Jodie Melissa
This may contain: the words everyone has so many dimens are written in white on a pink and yellow background
Our many dimensions to who we are - Hannah Griswold
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media
A grounding technique to help support your nervous system and soothe any anxiety/ overwhelm  Wondering how to ground yourself? Here’s a simple grounding practice you can use to help bring you back into the present moment.   Simply rub the hands together to create some heat, then apply the hands to the chest, taking deep inhalations.   This technique will help bring you back into the present moment
A simple grounding technique if you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed 🫶 #selfsoothing
Jodie Melissa
Jodie Melissa