Parenting Tips

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These Tips Will Get Your Kids to Actually Listen to You
Learn the basics of the classic parenting book How to Talk So Kids Will Listen.
Why Waking Up at 5 a.m. No Longer Works for Me—Here's What I Do Instead
Reading or running at 5 AM each morning isn't always realistic, especially as a parent. Here's how you can fit healthy habits into your day in a more practical way.
What's a Dopamine Menu and How Can it Help my Kid?
Increased motivation and fewer complaints about boredom are just two of the benefits. You know when your kid stops doing something they love and they immediately say they're bored? That's dopamine-seeking behaviour. We all seek dopamine. It helps us get stuff done and then makes us feel good about doing all that hard work. But constantly seeking quick rewards isn't good for anyone. Want to help curb moping, whining and begging for more TV, video games or treats? A dopamine menu might help.
The Art of the Juggling Act: 5 Tips for Working Parents
Sarah Armstrong, author and vice-president of global marketing operations for Google, shares easy-to-follow tips from her new book The Art Of The Juggling Act.
We Need to be More Honest About What Motherhood is Really Like
“I’m exhausted by the energy required to run a household, nourish a partnership, raise two young kids and work full-time—and feelings of failure abound." Sound familiar?
Why Every Parent Needs a Death Binder (and What to Put in Yours)
The binder that pairs with a conversation you never want to, but have to have with your loved ones.
Self-Care Sunday with Allison: Finding Comfort In The Colder Months
Whether you practice hygge, sit by a fireplace, or drink a cup of hot cocoa, it is important to take steps that make your world warmer as the weather gets colder.
How to Set Boundaries: A Primer for Parents
Boundaries are an act of self-care, not selfishness.
These Parents Ditched Expert Advice and Created Their Own Rules
Bribery, bets and smart speaker announcements: The unconventional strategies that work for these families.
Is Your Kid Rebelling or Asserting Their Independence?
The good news? Your kid's behaviour is probably normal. The bad news? Now you have to deal with it.
4 Ways to Help Kids Who Procrastinate
Delaying tasks is very common, but recognizing and stopping chronic procrastination is important. Whether it’s learning to self-soothe, set the table or clean up, we give children age-appropriate tasks hoping to teach them independence and responsibility. But the start of these responsibilities is also the start of, “I’ll do it in five minutes,” “Let me finish this game first,” or a rather honest, “I don’t want to do that.”
4 Ways to Find Screen Time Balance
Technology is a growing part of our everyday lives, but sometimes it seems like screens trump parks, play dates and just being kids. Here’s how to set healthy limits that support kids’ mental health.
8 Helpful Home Routines to Ensure Your Child’s Year-Long Success
As the back-to-school season approaches, getting kids ready for their first day can be exciting and daunting. Establishing consistent routines at home can help make this transition smoother and more enjoyable. By creating a structured environment and encouraging independence, you can give your little one the confidence and emotional resilience they need for school.
iPad Kid: Understanding the Phenomenon and Its Impact
Underneath the meme lies a societal concern that needs to garner more attention.
5 Ways iPad Features Make Parents’ Lives Easier
Setting up an ipad for kids is simpler than ever—while keeping parents in the driver’s seat.