
12 Pins
" Sneak Attack"
" Sneak Attack" by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
" I now pronounce you"
" I now pronounce you" by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
"The Delivery"
"The Delivery" by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
Seat Sale ends soon!
Seat Sale ends soon! by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
Staying Under the Radar
Staying Under the Radar by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
puffins, Bonavista, Newfoundland
puffins, Bonavista, Newfoundland, via YouTube.
Staying Under the Radar
Staying Under the Radar by Jerry Mouland, via Flickr
Shetzers Photography - Photography Tours and Photo Workshops
Puffins "on the rock" :) Puffin Island, Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland
Shetzers Photography - Photography Tours and Photo Workshops
Puffins "on the rock" :) Puffin Island, Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland