
10 Pins
‘[title not known]‘, Frank Stella, 1967 | Tate
Frank Stella - untitled lithograph
Frank Stella Empress of India II, from V series, 1968
curated contemporary art /// “welcome to boburg”
Bobbie Burgers‘ gorgeous abstract-ish floral paintings will have you wishing for peony season sooner than later.
Passion - Sexy Personals for Passionate Singles
Sky detail from “Summer Storm” 36"x36" Contemporary Abstract Landscape Artist Melissa McKinnon features BIG COLOURFUL PAINTINGS of Aspen & Birch Trees, Rocky Mountains and stunning views of the Canadi
Paint a Faux Venetian Plaster Finish
Dip the trowel into Anjou Pear, then carefully into Jersey Cream so that there are two colors on the trowel. Starting near the top of the wall, apply the paint down the wall (see photo).
Decorating With Faux Finishes And Old World Textures
Beautiful Faux Effects Plaster by Lynnette Wright. So in love with the placement and colors <3