Free Homeschool Resources

Free homeschool resources to help you
883 Pins
Walk It Out Episode #96 Why Motherhood Matters with September McCarthy
Help for Moms with Kids Stuck at Home! Walk it Out #96. September and I tackle how to handle schooling kids at home with success. We talk about morning time routines, giving our kids BIG goals, setting the mood for our home, and teaching our kids to have godly character. You can find this episode on iTunes, your favorite podcast app (search for Tricia Goyer Walk It Out).
Advice for a New Homeschooling Mom: 33 Things I’ve Learned in 25 Years of Homeschooling! -
Great homeschooling tips for those who are just starting out on their homeschooling adventure! - Tricia Goyer
Whit's End Mealtime Devotions
Your family’s gathered around the table. What’s on the menu? Cold stares? Stale prayers? The same old leftover questions about “what happened at school today”? Mix things up with these dinner devotionals your kids will love! ​#TriciaGoyer #CrystalBowman #FocusontheFamily #AdventuresinOdyssey #dinnerdevotions #RaisingGodlyKids #familydinner #christianparenting ​
Teacher Recommended Fall Books to Read with Preschoolers
Check out these fall books to read aloud with preschoolers and kindergarteners. These autumn picture books are all recommended by teachers and loved by parents and kids!
Need Some Fresh Homeschooling Inspiration?
This course will help you get your homeschooling schedule on track with helpful videos and printable resources. Each module takes 20 minutes and will save you TONS of time, TONS of money, and will give you confidence and peace about the school year! ​ ​#TriciaGoyer #Homeschooling #RaisingGodlyKids #EarlyChildhoodEducation #SchoolAtHome #HomeschoolResources #HomeschoolSuccess ​
Fruit of the Spirit Copywork - (Print and Cursive) Inspire the Mom
Learn the Fruit of the Spirit while studying God's Word! #fruit #spirit #curisve #copywork #copywork #handwriting #writing #practice #charlottemason #education #homeschool #home #school #print #love #joy #peace #patience #bible #study #kids #learn #early #elementary
Toddler Math Activity with Foam Shapes
Toddler Math Activity with Foam Shapes: This fun, and colorful, activity, provides hands-on interaction with basic shapes. #myboredtoddler #toddleractivities #shapeactivities #mathlessons
Adorable Journals for Kids
These gorgeous, custom-designed journals are a great gift idea for kids! These journals include prompts to help kids write out their thoughts, feelings, and imaginings. With seven different designs to choose from, you are sure to find one your child would treasure! ​ ​#TriciaGoyer #KidsJournals #JournalingforKids #Watercolor #TriciaGoyerShop ​
Printable Preschool Summer Busy Book
Print off this half-page preschool summer busy book! Counting, matching, numbers and more! #preschool #summer #busy #book #counting #numbers #math #kindergarten #puzzles #kids #learn #learning #resource #activity #activities
86 Creative Activities for Pre-Teens & Teens {Plus Printable!}
86 Creative Activities for Pre-Teens & Teens {Plus Printable!}
Walk It Out Episode #96 Why Motherhood Matters with September McCarthy
Help for Moms with Kids Stuck at Home! Walk it Out #96. September and I tackle how to handle schooling kids at home with success. We talk about morning time routines, giving our kids BIG goals, setting the mood for our home, and teaching our kids to have godly character. You can find this episode on iTunes, your favorite podcast app (search for Tricia Goyer Walk It Out).
Simple Safety Tips for Outings with Kids
Rules for Outings: The ABCs of Safety and Manners - These easy-to-follow rules will help you and your kids set clear boundaries and expectations for outings. Put your mind at ease and set the day up for fun! ​ ​#TriciaGoyer #KidSafety #Manners #RaisingGodlyKids #ParentingTips #Homeschooling #EncouragementforMoms #MomLife ​
New to Homeschooling?
I've been homeschooling my kids for more than 25 years and I have learned A LOT, so I want to share what I've learned with you!