About True Potential

True Potential Health Services is a Saskatoon-based family naturopathic clinic. We optimize health and wellness through a wide range of individualized services and treatments. Learn more about us and the care we offer on this board.
6 Pins
Stress and Smoking Cessation - True Potential Health Services Saskatoon
If you are stressed out, having trouble sleeping, feeling too busy or overwhelmed, or are trying to quit smoking, consider booking a session and giving acupuncture a try.
Dr. Fleury Named SIMS Healthcare Hero
In 2015, Dr Fleury was named a Healthcare Hero by the Saskatoon Institute for Medical Simulation (SIMS). Dr. Fleury was recognized as a Healthcare Hero because of her work founding and operating True Potential Health Services where she provides Saskatonians access to alternative healthcare options.
True Potential has an Instagram account! Visit us at @truepotentialhealth
Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND - True Potential Health Services Saskatoon
Meet the True Potential Team: Dr. Jacqui Fleury, Naturopathic Doctor, Clinic Owner and Director
Dr. Fleury nominated for Saskatoon Women of Distinction Award
True Potential’s own Dr. Fleury has been recognized by the Saskatoon’s Women of Distinction Awards, presented by Potash Corp and YWCA. She was nominated for an Entrepreneurship Award in Spring 2015.
Contact - True Potential Health Services Saskatoon
Where can you find us? We are located on 8th Street in the Manos Plaza, in the building across the parking lot from Manos Restaurant and Dad’s Nutrition. We are on the ground floor. There is ample parking, and you are welcome to park anywhere in the Manos Plaza parking lot since you are a patron at True Potential Health Services. Our address is: #3, 1810 8th Street, East Saskatoon