Habit Building and Morning Routines

Building and tracking Morning Habits and Routines are a way to create a life you love. A morning routine can set you up for success in your daily life. Find tips and quotes on morning rituals. Start each day with healthy, better habits from mindset, fitness, wellness, nutrition, and self-love. Creating a healthy routine will transform your life. Mindset shifts can change your life and create huge results in a better life. A bullet journal, checklist, and tracking will keep you on track.
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This may contain: a pink self care list with the words self care list written in white on it
Self Care Tips, Affirmations and Ideas
Take time for self care daily and create this new positive and empowering habit • You are worth it • Affirmations • Gratitude • Movement • Journal writing • Exercise • Reading • Walks in the woods • Time in the tub • Anything for you with love • ❤️
This may contain: a pink poster with the words self care on it
Self care habits and trackers
Get your free Self care tips and ideas list • Colouring habit tracker • Habit tracker • Worksheet to make create the habit easier
Self Care Checklist- Building Better habits
Take time for self care daily. Here are some ideas on what things you can do daily to improve your quality of life. Building morning habits.
How To Start Positive Goal Setting | U Got This 1Life
When you set a goal, make sure to state it in the present tense. For example, if you wish to return to school, state that you are already in school and doing well. #Whatisgoalsetting #Whatisgoals #Whatisgoalinlife #Examplesofgoals #Makingaplanisessentialingoalsettingtrue #Goalsettingexample #Goalsettingmeaning #Goalsinlifeasastudent
This may contain: a woman walking on the beach with text overlay that reads get your free self care planner
Get your Self Care Planner for free
What are the benefits of self-care? They are endless but here’s just a few to start Self-care can improve your mental and physical health. • Self-care can reduce stress and anxiety daily • Self-care can boost your self-esteem and self confidence . • Self-care helps build awareness with your mental health. • Self-care can lead to better relationships with yourself and others. • Create your new habits now • Take action
SELF CARE TIPS AND TRACKERS -Join the Facebook group
🚨I’m GOING LIVE ON SUNDAY in my Facebook group 🚨 ✅I’ll be giving you a couple of habit trackers to help you stay on track I know some ladies use colouring as a self care❤️ activity so one of them is black and white copy which you can colour. • On Sunday I’ll do a Facebook live to go over them • ✅I’ll give you the link for the 2 tracker PDFs so you can print them • ✅Self care ideas for new habits • ✅We will discuss starting new habits ✅We will do a quick activity together to help you add space in your day for a new habit or 2 🚨Who’s in for a new habit may 30 day challenge?🚨 Ladies come on over and join us in the group.🔥❤️ • Fellas the group is for the ladies but if you want the trackers and self care sheets, just dm me and they are yours • 💕Any resources I have you
This may contain: an image of a woman smiling with the caption's message above it that reads, morning gratitue minute grateful daily
Gratitude Practice Tips, Quotes and Women’s Empowerment
“Touchy” Tuesday 😜😍 • Take this anyway that makes you smile 😉 • 😜 • I know how hard it can be to start a gratitude practice. • I am always trying to make it easier to think about gratitude more often and in a new way. • This will help you create a new habit of gratitude🙏 • 👇 • Anything you touch today (that you enjoy 😜) take a minute and be grateful for it. • 😉 • Let’s share a few for you so you get the idea • When you wake up it starts right away • 💜 • A partner, friend or other human you wake up with and get to touch 😜 • Yourself • (keeping it clean -PG here your beautiful eyes, strong legs • or not PG LOL 😉) • ❤️ • A kids, pets, pillow, blanket, bed, pjs, phone, alarm • Just a few • . • Gratitude brings us from a world of lack and shows us how abun
This may contain: two women doing exercises with the text, start with 1 exercise start with 1 minute
Core Exercise Challenge
1 exercise a day challenge • Start with 1 exercise • Start with 1 minute • 1 minute matters • • Body weight • No equipment needed • Start with just 1 minute at a time • YOU GOT THIS