
Mirror of alchemy, composed by the threefold illustrious & learned Dr. Rudyard Story, containing an argument on the admirable power and efficacy of art & nature. Definitions of alchemy; Natural principles & propagation of minerals; Things from which the elixir can be extracted; Working, moderating & continuing the fire; Quality of the vessel & furnace; Accidental & essential colours that appear in the work; How the medium can be projected onto an imperfect body. Imagery based on own photography.
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Virgo Sophia - Maiden Wisdom
The Virgin Sophia strives to regain possession of her physicality, which is understood as a corporeality of the spirit, bound together by ritual vows & obligations of mutual support. The only one who can achieve this is the One in whom the Logos begins to take it shape. Only a Fisher of men can transform the forces of Didymus, while the healing forces of the Philosophy can heal the adversarial forces of Nimrod, & know that these healing forces arrive in a 90° angle.
The Tommy Knocker
The Tommy Knocker
Matrimonium Corporale
Cauda Pavonis - Peacock’s Tail
The caudo pavonis or peacock’s tail, as an image of the culmination of transformation, is one of the most important symbols of transition. The cauda pavonis marks the transition between the nigredo and the albedo. When the nigredo is fermented, the peacock’s tail unfolds; a calibration moment which was symbolically represented as a fanning of multicoloured lights. According to Gustav Jung, the peacock represents all colours (the integration of all qualities) and announces the end of the process.
Frater Doctus - Learned Fryer
The learned friar, furnace-fried Bacon, thinks it inappropriate to flaunt his gnosticism before those who are already perfect in knowledge. In enthusiastic language, he argues that art does not differ from nature in form or essence, but only in its efficiency. His interest in astrology and alchemy, those two great smears upon his character, earned him a place in the popular imagination as a diviner and a necromancer. “Fried Bacon. That’ll fix you.”
Usque ad Adventum Christi
Usque ad Adventum Christi
Kleroteria - Lot Machine
The final unravelling of the mechanics of democracy as it takes place within a stone lottery machine. While this randomization device is tamper-proof and precludes ballot rigging, it has a locking mechanism to secure it.