Custom Sport Medals

We've been supplying amatuer sport with Gold Medal service since 2002!
197 Pins
Custom Medallion
When we were asked to create a custom medal for the @mdstatefair "Mullet Madness" competition, there was zero hesitation! #custommedallion #mulletmadness #mdstatefair #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollection #pincollector #pingamestrong
Custom Enamel Medallion
This is a beautiful custom medal for an amazing cause - the Tillsonburg Running With The Bulls event raises money to support families dealing with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. #custommedallion #softenamel #racemedal #fundraiserrace #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector
Dance Medals
Nothing makes us happier than a fun, bright medal like this one, for @footprintsdancecentre - these are 🔥! #customenamelmedals #softenamel #sportsmedals #dancemedals #dancestudio #balletstudio #balletmedals #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #pincollection
Custom Sports Medals
This custom soft enamel medallion for @ne_trackclub is a great example of how simple, minimalist designs can turn out to be so eye catching and impactful! #custommedallion #customsportsmedallion #customsoftenamel #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #pingamestrong #trackclub
Virtual Race Medallion
Check out this awesome soft enamel medal for Elmira Pet Products' recent virtual race challenge! So cool! #customenamelmedals #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #pingamestrong #virtualrace #virtualracemedallion
Custom Speed Skating Medal
Check out this amazing soft enamel medallion for @rdspeedskating - wouldn't this be such a great award for hard work out on the ice!? #custommedallion #sportsmedallion #speedskating #customenamel #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #pincollection #pingamestrong
Custom Hard Enamel Medals
Just look at how cute these hard enamel medallions for the @gcra.devils ringette team turned out!! So unique and fun! #customsportsmedallions #sportsmedals #hardenamel #ringetteleague #minorsports #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #medalcollector
Custom Cut-out Medal
What a stunning and unique medallion for utilizing cutouts, antique finish and a splash of enamel! #custommedallion #sportsmedal #volleyballleague #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #antiquefinish #antiquemedallion
Custom Hockey Medals
Hockey season is back! Check out this awesome soft enamel medal we made for @brooksminorhockey - ask us about options for your team or league! #custommedallion #customenamel #minorsports #sportsmedals #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector
Custom Memorial Medal
This custom medal for Churchill Falls Minor Hockey is such a great example of how to get creative with your designs! #custommedallion #customsportsmedallion #softenamel #sportsmedal #minorhockey #memorialmedal #memorialtournament #pinsofig #pinstagram
Custom Gold Medallion
This is such a stunning medallion we helped create for @laurentianu - simple and stunning! #custommedallions #goldmetalfinish #pinsofig #pinstagram #pincollector #sandfrostfinish #pingamestrong
Custom Sports Medals
These custom soft enamel medallions we helped create for Yukon Minor Hockey turned out amazing! Ask us about design options for your next tournament or event! #custommedallion #sportsmedals #minorhockey #yukonminorhockey #hockeyyukon #championships #pinsofig #pinstagram
Custom Sports Medals
While we're basking in the dog days of summer, don't forget about tournaments coming up this fall & winter! Like this Hollyburn Hockey Club tournament we helped create these beautiful medals for! #minorhockey #sportsmedals #custommedallion #customhardenamel #pinsofig #pinsta
Custom Ultimate Medallions
We are so proud to be a longtime supplier of @worldflyingdisc , helping to create amazing custom medals like this one from a few summers ago! #worldflyingdisc #ultimatefrisbee #custommedallions #worldultimate #ultimatechampionships #pinsofig #pinstagram