Commercials I Remember

All the ads stuck in my head from the 70s and 80s -- thanks!!!
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Shower to shower. I still remember the jingle: A sprinkle a day helps keep odor away ... have you had your sprinkle today?
1970's General Foods Brim Coffee Can
"I thought you liked my coffee!" "I do, but caffeine makes me tense." "Me too, until I started using Brim decaffeinated coffee." "Then fill it to the rim . . ." ". . . With Brim?" snigger chuckle
Of Leprechauns and Irish Springs
The man that sliced the bar of soap on the Irish Spring commercials.
Oh Henry! (Publicité Québec)
My apologies to those who -- like myself -- don't know French. What I do remember is the imagery and tune from this commercial, particularly a pair of lips on legs and the king.
I before E except after C (and sometimes Y)
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?...The world may never know.
waxing nostalgic on
Charlie perfume by Revlon. Originally launched to compete with Estee Lauder, this new perfume captured a new target audience: working women. It was a revolutionary campaign-one of the first ads to feature women wearing pants and being self-sufficient.
Quik chocolate milk classic tv commercial 1980
This was one of my favourite commercials. It was the first time I saw the Nestle Quik bunny. Not being able to drink Quik slow became the theme of these ads forever. Finally, Elmer Fudd caught up to Quik Bunny -- who was so overweight from drinking too much chocolate he couldn't get away -- and put him out of his misery.
So, the only reason I think I saw this commercial is because of the tune.