5 au quotidien

41 Pins
Un jeu auto correctif en grammaire! Pour s'entrainer à repérer les natures des mots (nom, verbe et adjectif). A utiliser en autonomie ou en APC. 40 cartes phrases, 1 carte de règles et 1 fiche de trace écrite.
Reading Comprehension dice Game - grades K-2
Students read a picture book in pairs. After reading they roll a dice and the corresponding number instructs them to apply a certain comprehension strategy - make a text to self connection, retell, determine importance, use questioning, visualizing, infer The set includes one game card for teachers to photocopy for each game. Please see my other free products to download this game for grades 3-6.
Third Grade Rocks!!!
Excellent ideas for Daily 5 with 'older' kids! For My 3rd Graders: Third Grade Rocks!!!
Free Spelling Games Your Kids Will Love!
Create Spelling Games from old games that are no longer played
Magnetic Boggle Board made for Word Work during Daily Five. Inspired by mrsrojasteaches.blogspot.com