Health Statistics You Should Know About!

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PSA: There's no good evidence to support the use of ultrasound for improving pain or quality of life in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. Bill Book, Exercise Therapy, Ultra Sound, Manual Therapy, Health Statistics, Chronic Lower Back Pain, Wellness Centre, Sound Therapy, Low Back Pain
Therapeutic Ultrasound for Low Back Pain? 😑Meh.
💢 DO YOU HAVE LOW BACK PAIN?! 👓 Authors found that there is some evidence that therapeutic ultrasound has a 🤏 small effect on improving low-back function in the short term, but this benefit is unlikely to be clinically important. 🤷‍♂️ 🎯 So instead of using up time getting ultra-sound therapy in a physiotherapy or chirorpractic session - have them do some 💆 manual therapy, a bunch of 🤸‍♂️ exercise therapy and some potential 🍉🥝🥑 lifestyle changes.
Where is it
This is mostly what mean by shoulder/upper back pain.
Most people report feeling stiffness, tension, 
tightness, pain and decreased range of motion in 
thoracic spine and neck.

The Culprits
Here are the main muscle groups reported to be
an issue for those with upper back pain!
• Trapezius
• Rhomboids
• Anterior Scalene
• Middle Scalene
• Levator Scapula
• Iliocostalis Thoracis
• Infraspinatus
• Latissimus Dorsi Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Let's Talk About, Neck Pain, Massage Therapy, Social Media Posts
Let's talk about Upper Back 💢 Pain!
𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 💢 Neck pain 💢 and lower back pain are often much more 🎯 focused on, not only in everyday life but also in 📋 research. There is 📝 evidence that shows that exercise lowers the incidence, frequency and severity of upper back pain! Not really a surprise since 🤸‍♂️ exercise has been our form of 💊 medicine that we've been advertising for quite a while! 💆 Massage, 🤸🏼 Mobilize and 🏋️‍♀️ Strengthen are our three main principles!
Difference between golfer's and tennis elbow

Golfer's Elbow
Formally known as medial epicdonylitis

Pain on the inside of the elbow

Caused by chronic loading of the wrist flexor muscles

Occurs in 1 to 3% of the population

Tennis Elbow:

Formally known as lateral epicondylitis

Pain on the outside of the elbow

Caused by chronic loading of the wrist extensor muscles

Occurs in less than 1% of the population. Golfers, Golfers Elbow Exercises, Tennis Elbow Symptoms, Elbow Exercises, Golfers Elbow, Tennis Elbow
Golfer's 🏌🏻‍♂️ Elbow vs Tennis 🎾 Elbow - What's the difference?
Most of the time Golfer's elbow has nothing to do with golf, in fact 90-95% of recorded incidences have nothing to do with 🏅 sports at all. 🎯 Both conditions are formally known as either medial (golfer) or lateral (tennis) epicondylitis. The term epicondylitis refers to an 🔥 inflammatory event - that there's inflammation of some sort in the tendons of our 💪 forearms. However, more 📋 recent research shows that neither of these issues have much to do with inflammation!
What should I expect from my first massage?

Usually it's a three-part step:

1. Assessment
2. Treatment
3. Prevention Assessment, Massage Therapist, Statistics, Social Media Post
Social Media Posts - Vital Wellness Centre
❓ Have any questions about your first massage? Ask them in the comments! I'd be happy to help! Your first 💆 massage can be an exciting experience, but being ill-equipped or having a less-than empathetic Massage Therapist can be 😰 anxiety-inducing. Your first massage with a therapist should usually look like a 3️⃣ step process. 📌You'll have Assessment Treatment and then Prevention in that order.
No time for your health today?

No health for your time tomorrow. 


Visit for more information! Invest In Your Health, Gain Muscle, No Time
Invest in your health.
⌛ No time for your health today? ‍⚕️ No health for your time tomorrow -Thibaut. Health is an 📈 investment! Even when you 🏃‍♀️ exercise, pump up your 💪 guns and lift - you don't actively gain muscle and new strength while doing the exercise. It comes from 😴 resting in the upcoming days. Take some ⏲️ time to invest in your health!
What happens when
you start drinking
8.5 cups of water 
every single day?

Find out!
In one study, 55 people were recruited to drink 
about 3 cups of more water than usual - to a total
of 8.5 cups a day (2 Litres).

This randomized controlled trial was conducted
for 12 weeks before measuring the outcomes.

These were the effects:

• Lowers blood pressure
• Increases body temperature
• Dilutes blood waste materials
• Protects kidney function Drinking More Water, Daily Water Intake, Daily Water, Drink More Water, Water Intake, More Water
What happens when you start drinking 8.5 cups of water everyday?
🚨 Drinking more 🚰 water everyday. There is such a thing as ⚠️ too much of a good thing. However consuming 2 L of water everyday, or 8.5 cups ⛾ of water has a lot more benefits than we had initially thought! This doesn't mean that you have to keep chugging 🌊 water straight out of the faucet 🚰 all the time. Having foods, especially 🥒🍉 fruits & vegetables can help you with your daily water intake goals! 💧 Water you waiting for? Go get hydrated!
Does Massage help with soreness?

A literature review looking at 11 studies, and a whopping
504 participants found that massage is effective for
alleviating DOMs and improving muscle performance.

Visit for more information on exercise, massage and pain management content! Literature Review, What Is Science, Meta Analysis, Workout Games, A Workout, Intense Workout
Does Massage help with Soreness? Let's see what science says.
❓Have you ever been sore from an intense workout? Actually scratch ❌ that. I KNOW that you've been sore 😩 dozens of times from a workout@ But 💆‍♀️ Massage may be able to help with all this. 📰A literature review found that participants that had undergone a session of 💆‍♀️ Massage Therapy were much less sore compared to their counterparts who did nothing 😴 🎯 So if you're looking for a way to up your exercise game, consider massage as an invaluable tool!
Massage Therapy's largest
effect is on __________?

A scientific review including 37 studies showed that
Massage Therapy could reduce pain & blood pressure
a bit, but reduced traits of anxiety & depression the most!

Reference: Moyer CA, Rounds J, Hannum JW. A meta-analysis of massage therapy research. 
Psychol Bull. 2004 Jan;130(1):3-18

Visit for more information! Massage Appointments, Therapy Business, Massage Therapy Business, Fatigue Syndrome, Sprained Ankle
Can you guess what Massage Therapy helps with most?
I've had patients 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️ come for supplementary aid with chronic conditions like Rheumtaoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've also had people come in with old ankle sprains, 👻 phantom pains, and more! However, I don't think I've ever had a patient come in for a massage merely to help with 😩 anxiety & depression. Yet 📰 scientific literature shows a vast change in traits of anxiety & depression after a treatment of 💆‍♀️ massage therapy for patients.
without water, nothing could be transported in or
out of the body, chemical reactions would not occur, 
organs would not be cushioned, and body temperature
would fluctuate widely - human nutrition 2020 - Human Nutrition, Busy Busy, Chemical Reactions, Busy Life, Every Single Day
You are 60% water - get more of you in!
💦 WATER. You're made up of at least 60% water - in weight at least. I like water, that means I ❤️ like at least 60% of each of you! But that 🤓 number's only accurate if you get enough of it, and you definitely need to get it! ✔️ We're recommended to have 2️⃣ litres of water every single day, or 67 oz, or about half a gallon However, the 🤫 secret to meeting that nearly impossible standard in your busy, busy life, is to have plenty of 🥝🍓🍈 fruits and 🥕🥒🥬 vegetables as well!
Pain Management & Massage Therapy:

A scientific review including 24 studies demonstrated
that massage therapy is effective for treating pain, 
fatigue and anxiety. 

Study Reference:

Boyd C, Crawford C, Paat CF, Price A, Xenakis L, Zhang W; Evidence for Massage Therapy (EMT) Working Group. 
The Impact of Massage Therapy on Function in Pain Populations-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 
Randomized Controlled Trials: Part II, Cancer Pain Populations. Pain Med. 2016 Ways To Relax, Pain Relief
Massage Therapy for Pain Relief
‼ When it comes to Massage Therapy - most people see it as a way to relax, a spa session - but it's so much more! 💆‍♀️Massage Therapy has been touted as an excellent way to reduce pain, fatigue and anxiety by many studies and scientific literature reviews. 🎯So if you haven't tried it for pain relief, energy enhancement or even anxiety - give it a shot!
What are muscle knots and why do they happen?
• Hyperirritable nodules
• In a taut (tight) band of muscle
• Cause local & referred pain
• Muscle overuse
• Decreases in oxygenation
• Local environment changes 

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Full Study Reference:

Shah JP, Thaker N, Heimur J, Aredo JV, Sikdar S, Gerber L. Myofascial Trigger Points 
Then and Now: A Historical and Scientific Perspective. PM R. 2015;7(7):746-761. Trigger Points, Referred Pain, Muscle Knots, Trigger Point
What are Muscle Knots and Why do they happen?
❓Wondering why you have weird, lingering pain from an injury? Or maybe it's just there for no real reason?! 📌Perhaps it's a muscle knot or trigger point! 🎯 Muscle knots are hyperirritable nodules that form in the bands of our muscle fibers - causing them to become taut, almost like an elastic band stretched out! 😫These little knots, I'm sure you might've felt on yourself at some point, are painful to press on! 😡And sometimes, when you press hard enough, they can cause referred pain!
How much physical activity do you need every week?

150 minutes is the recommended amount of physical activity that you need to hit every week. But is that realistic?

Visit for more information on physical activity requirements. Visit for more information on massage therapy and pain-related content & inquiries. Physical Activity, Physical Activities, Do You Need
How much physical activity do you need every week?
That's quite a lot of physical activity - which can sometimes be unrealistic for those that lead busy lives. However 150 minutes a week = 22 minutes a day. Physical activity doesn't mean exercise per se - it could mean: Going for a speed-walk. Jamming out to some music! Vacuuming and scrubbing! You can turn anything you want into physical activity if you put more "oomf" into it, and for just 22 minutes a day? That's like an episode of your favourite sitcom on netflix!
What is Massage Therapy? Massage Therapy is a clinically oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupation stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions. Chronic Pain, Connective Tissue, Body Tissues, Ontario Canada
What really is Massage Therapy?
What is Massage Therapy? Like Really? It's different from what you see in movies, media etc. At least in Ontario, Canada - Massage Therapy is much more profound. - Here's a little snippet from the overview of what Massage Therapy really is from the Registered Massage Therapists' Association of Ontario: - "Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints." - That sounds like a bit more than a fluff job!
The power of touch - therapeutic touch can decrease pain and suppress negative emotion, provide comfort and sympathy. Touch Therapy, Vibrate Higher, Group Project, Random People, Healing Therapy, Positive Emotions
The Power of Touch
Of course, the power of touch only works when it comes from someone affiliative with you - someone you trust and of course give your consent for touch to. Obviously you don't want random people touching you - it's likely to give the opposite effect of what you'd get from affiliative, therapeutic touch. Pain relief, suppression of negative emotion, and generally positive emotions are all benefits to it!
The effects of chronic stress - behavioural changes, cognitive changes, memory loss, immune system suppression, heart problems, gastrointestinal issues and more - Vital Wellness Centre - Visit for more information! Coping Methods, Mental And Physical Health, A Healthy Relationship, Heart Problems, Healthy Relationship
The Effects of Chronic Stress on your Mental and Physical Health.
With that being said - stress in moderate amounts is good for you, actually, it can do the opposite of this list when it occurs in healthy amounts! Having moderate amounts of stress keeps your physiological processes in shape, so that when more difficult things come before you, you'll have the experience for it! Knowing how to recognize you're under a ton of stress, having coping methods and ways to maintain control over it will ultimately help you foster a healthy relationship with stress!