
13 Pins
Automatic Waterer Installation | Easy Horse Waterer Setup
Frost free non electric automatic waterer installation diagram.
Atlas Publications: Inexpensive E-books for the homestead.
Build this Atlas Ram Pump. It can pump water from a flowing source of water to a point ABOVE that source with no power requirement other than the force of gravity.
Heron's fountain - Wikipedia
Heron's fountain is a hydraulic machine invented by the 1st century inventor, mathematician, and physicist Heron, also known as Hero of Alexandria. Heron studied the pressure of air and steam, described the first steam engine, and built toys that would spurt water, one of them known as Heron's fountain. Various versions of Heron's Fountain are used today in physics classes as a demonstration of principles of hydraulics a
Tired of waiting for hot water and wasting cold water? Hot water recirculation loops. - Charles Buell Consulting LLC
Tired of waiting for hot water and wasting cold water? Hot water recirculation loops.
Floating barrel generates hydro power in most any stream or river
Floating barrel generates hydro power in most any stream or river
Build a rocket stove for home heating - IWillTry.org
A rocket-stove that heats hot water. A minimum wood fuel required using branches and small scrape lumber pieces.
How To Make Endless Hot Water Without Electricity
How To Make Endless Hot Water Without Electricity