Dietary Theories

20 Pins
Dr. Fuhrman's Food Pyramid vs. USDA Pyramid
Healthy Living 123: Dr. Fuhrman's Food Pyramid vs. USDA Pyramid
Eat According to Your Blood Type
Dieting With Your Blood Type: this seriously just blew my mind. It described me exactly.
Perfect for newbies or those who are paleo-curious...An easy to follow 2 week meal plan along with a grocery list. Paleo just got that easy.
The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity|Paperback
Body Ecology Diet
What is the Paleo Diet? | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes
What is the Paleo Diet?
What is the Ayurvedic Diet? Benefits & More - Healing Daily
Ayurveda is more a medicine than a diet. It is the "science of life" practiced in India for over 500 years. The idea is to create balance in the body and the mind by aligning ourselves with nature. Health is maintained by balancing the three doshas.