
ThistleGirl Designs
Childcare menu plan template | Created with the childcare provider in mind. This is what I want but you have to pay to be a member of this site to print it.
Photo Storage
POST THIS BY THE EXIT DOOR~ This cute downloadable would make a fun mini-display at the school's main exit door where teachers dismiss their students!
I sing this with the kids at my preschool & they love it pumpkin poetry | Five Little Pumpkins:
The Intentional Momma
Toddler Alphabet free printable preschool homeschool magnet activity tot tray from The Intentional Momma. Can help teach where letters are in alphabet..beg, middle, end
Lowercase Alphabet Formation Rhymes
Lowercase Alphabet Formation Rhymes - fun little rhymes to help children learn how to write lowercase letters!
Kinder Inspiration - Keys and locks with numbers on them. This activity can be changed in many different ways. Credit: Unknown (please let me know whose picture this is) | Facebook
How fun is this? Learning numbers, fine-motor practice, and a mystery to solve!
Upper and Lowercase Letter Matching with a Box!
Set up a simple fine motor activity to work on letter recognition. This letter matching activity can be set up various ways depending on your child's skill level: alphabetical order, uppercase/ lowercase letter recognition, sequencing, etc!
All ABCs ~ Free Alphabet Printables
All ABCs ~ Free Alphabet Printables ~scroll and click this image for FREE printable - lots of good alphabet stuff
Preschool Bugs Worksheets
Free Bug Color and Learn Pages! Featuring ten different creepy crawlies, each with their own set of fun facts and fill in the blank writing activity. Great for a Spring Science unit in your Preschool Classroom. Free at
Never Have To Buy Kids Paint Again! Easy To Make!
1 cup salt, 1 cup flour, 1 cup water, food coloring. That's it! #DIY #EasyGreenLiving