'your e-cards'

lol, these are awesome.
92 Pins
There are two types of people I can't stand: Nosy people and people who won't tell me what the hell is going on.
There are two types of people I can't stand: Nosy people and people who won't tell me what the hell is going on.
Funny Drinks/Happy Hour Memes & Ecards | Someecards
You're somewhat useful at work but irreplaceable at happy hour
You're somewhat useful at work but irreplaceable at happy hour
I'm anxious for the day you realize I was the complete package after you have moved on to dog-faced uneducated hookers.
Have fun with that though. I'm not waiting on your dumb ass anymore. :)
If Princess Ariel had her own episode of Hoarders
your ecards | Tumblr
Fuck the world
your ecards | Tumblr